sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012

ComboFix Removes Malware,Spyware…

"Combofix is a freeware (a legitimate spyware remover created by sUBs), Combofix was designed to scan a computer for known malware, spyware (SurfSideKick, QooLogic, and Look2Me as well as any other combination of the mentioned spyware applications) and remove them,ComboFix allows the manual removal of spyware infections , It ‘s a specialized effective cleaning tool, which is useful compared to other malware and spyware removers.After Combofix finished,a report will be created. You can use this report to search and remove infections which are not automatically removed."

More info:

terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2012

Attach VHD (Windows 7 and Windows 8)

"New features in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 allow Windows Admins to create, mount, and attach virtual hard disks (VHD). This feature will get a lot of use from Windows admins and it saves us from having to use 3rd party tools to do this. In fact, Microsoft is even offering test drives of their popular enterprise applications (such as Window 7 and Exchange 2010)."

More info (howtogeek):
More info (windowsnetworking):